Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Goldilocks. She had lovely golden hair and looked as good as gold. But Goldilocks was't good.
Goldilocks liked to do something naughty every day. "If you don't stop being naughty, your hair will turn blue." said her mother. "I don't believe you!" said Goldilocks. "If you carry on like this, you'll grow warts on your nose." said her father. "I don't believe you!" said Goldilocks. One day, she decided to go into woods are full of bears. She skipped around a corner and saw a pretty little cottage. She came in the house. However the house is bear's house.
I think this book is good for a naughty child. The picture of this book is very cute, and in particular child bear is adorable. Bear's house is like human's house. You can enjoy this book to read and look.
naughty : いたずらな
carry on : 続ける
wart : いぼ
even more : さらにいっそう
creep out : 抜け出る
greedy : 欲張りの
in no time at all : すぐに
cuddly : 抱きしめたくなるような
gruff : 荒々しい口調
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