
Food in Kyushu

Kyushu, Japan's south-western island, including Okinawa. The wether in Kyushu is warmer than any other prefecture. 

First, Chicken nanban is famous in Miyazaki. It is fried chicken in Japanese sweet and peppery vegetable sauce with tartare sauce. I love it. When I went to Miyazaki last summer, I ate a famous lunchbox with chikcken nanban. It was heavy lunch, so I couldn't eat all.

Next, Toriten is famous in Oita. It is chicken tempura. Tumpra is dipping into batter and deep flying. It is juicy in the middle. It is a bit different from fried chicken. We usually eat fried chicken whole. However when we eat toriten, we dip toriten in a Japanese dipping sauce. I think toriten is more light food than fried chicken.

Finally, Okinawa soba is famous in Okinawa. Soba is Japanese noodle, and it is made from buckwheat flour. This dish's name is soba, but this noodle is not made from buckwheat flour but flour. It is like a Chinese noodle. We eat it with richer soup and pork. Soba is healthy food, but I think Okinawa soba is heavy.

There are a lot of food and drink in Kyushu. I think everything is delicious. Please try to eat foods in Kyushu.

203 words

Weekend rewrite

Last weekend, I took TOEFL test. It was the first time for me to take it. I thought that it is very difficult, so I studied hard on Saturday. And Sunday, I took a test. I was nervous before test was begun. However it was started, and I concentrated on it. I think it was difficult after TOEFL test. I will take TOEFL test again after 3 weeks. I have to study hardly to get high score.

77 words


Last weekend, I took toefl test. It was the first time for me to take it. I thought that it is very difficult, so I studied hard on Saturday. And Sunday, I took a test. I was nurvous before test was begun. However it was started, and  I concentrated on it. I thin

53 words


Chicken Licken

Chicken Licken was scared - of everything. One day, Chicken Licken went to the woods. He stopped by an oak tree. Suddenly, a tiny acorn dropped from the tree and hit Chicken licken's head.

Chicken Licken didn't know the acorn, so he thought that the sky must be falling. And then, he tried to tell the king. He rushed back to the farmyard, and he told everyone the sky is falling. Everyone follow him.
Chicken Licken is so cute. I think he is similar to me, because I don't know a lot about something. He will experience a lot from now, and he will know a lot of things.

rush back: 急いで帰る
warn: 警告する
gobble: ガツガツ食べる
chase: 追いかける

135 words


How elephants lost their wings

Once upon a time, elephants could fly. They flew everywhere. They flew high into the sky... and down the ground. They even looped the loop.

Elephants could fly. But the elephants were noisy. They flew into trees and smashed them. They landed on houses... and fell right through. Soon all the trees were broken and there were no houses left. Then the gods tried to stop them, and the gods took away their wings. They gave them to the peacocks and the banana trees.
I think this book is very interesting. I like the idea that elephants had wings.

rooster: おんどり
feast: ごちそう
tummy: おなか
cross: 腹を立てる

119 words


Food in Kyushu (3)

Okinawa soba is famous in Okinawa. Soba is Japanese noodle which is made with buckwheat flour. This dish's name is soba, but this noodle is not made from buckwheat flour but flour. It is like a Chinese noodle. We eat it with richer soup and pork. Soba is healthy food, but I think Okinawa soba is heavy.

57 words

Food in Kyushu (2)

Toriten is famous in Oita. It is chicken tempura. Tumpra is dipping into batter and deep flying. It is juicy in the middle. It is a bit different from fried chicken. We usually eat fried chicken whole. However when we eat toriten, we dip toriten in a Japanese dipping sauce. I think toriten is more light food than fried chicken.

60 words

Food in Kyushu (1)

Chicken nanban is famous in Miyazaki. It is fried chicken in Japanese sweet and peppery vegetable sauce with tartare sauce. I love it. When I went to Miyazaki last summer, I ate a famous lunchbox with chikcken nanban. It was heavy lunch, so I couldn't eat all. I want you to try it!!

53 words

Food in Kumamoto

Ikinari-dango is famous in Kumamoto. It is a local dish. It is made from sweet bean paste and steamed sweet potato and rice cake. Sweet beans paste and steamed sweet potato are wrapped in rice cake. The shape is round. It is a kind of dango. Sweet beans paste and steamed sweet potato go well together.

56 words

My Golden Week

I went to Aso for eating nagashi-somen and soft cream. First, I went to Nishiharamura. And then, We ate somen. Somen is a kind of noodle. In nagashi-somen, we use chopstick to take somen from water running down a bamboo tube.  It was so decious.
45 words


Hansel & Gretel

At noon, they finally staggered into a clearing. There, in the distance, stood a little house.
"Let's see if anyone's in," said Gretel. "They might give us some food."

Hansel and Gretel were lost and starving in the deep, dark forest. All day they walked, past tall trees and spiky branches. At noon, they finally staggered into a clearing. They found a house which was made from sweets. However it was witch's house.

grumpy: 機嫌の悪い
yawn: あくびをする
sneer: あざ笑う
nightmare: 悪夢
pebble: 小石
gleam: 輝く
hunched: 背中を丸めた

107 words

The Elves and the Shoemaker

All day, the shoemaker's wife worked at her sewing machine, making little suits for the elves.

Once, an old shoemaker lived with his wife in a room above their workshop. People loved watching the shoemaker at work. And, at the end of the day, there was always a crowd of people wanting to buy his latest shoes. One day, a crafty shoe seller had set up a table at the end of their street. His shoes were poor quality, so his shoes were cheap. The local people were delighted. And the shoemaker's shoes were not in much demand. One day, the shoemaker went downstairs and stooped in amazement. And then, there on his work table stood a perfect pair of shoes. Who did make it?

awful: ひどい
delight: 楽しませる
miserable: 惨めな
neatly: きちんと
baffle: 困惑させる
boom: ~の人気をわかせる
scowl: しかめっ面
astonish: びっくりさせる

174 words


The dinosaurs next door

Just then,  the blue spotted egg began to jiggle and jump and bump in the busket.

Mr. Puff was an inventor. His whole house was crammed with amazing inventions. Sam was his friend. And when Sam came his home, Mr. Puff showed four big eggs to Sam. And then, eggs began to jiggle and jump and bump. The eggs had hatched. They were dinosaurs. By the fifith day, he was worried. Dinosaurs became too big. So he tried to make them small with Sam by his invention.

burst: 爆発する
jiggle: 軽く揺れる
shatter: 打ち砕ける
hatch; 卵がかえる
narrow escape: やっとのことで逃れる

122 words

The Billy Goats Gruff

Biffer lowered his head and caught the troll on his horns.
He bounced the troll into the air. Then, with a toss of his head, Biffer whacked him into the Rushing River.

There are three billy goats lived on a farm. One winter, there was very little food on the farm. And then, they decided to move. They spent a week preparing for their adventure. Then they were still dreaming of the Juicy Fields as they left the farm. And their adventure started.

mutterd: 不平を言う
trot: 小走りする
meanwhile: 間に
crouch: かがむ

102 words